Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 12 December 2023

We understand that lengthy privacy policies can be tedious and frustrating to work through. That’s why we’ve taken the time to highlight some key points from our official privacy policy in plain language below. While this section is meant to summarize some important details, it does not replace or supersede the formal legal language found in our full Terms of Service, Statement on Data Security, or Privacy Policy.

First and foremost, DefendIdentity does not ever sell, rent, or share users’ personal information with any third parties, including data brokers or advertising networks. We are not affiliated with any data brokers and do not have any financial relationships with them. DefendIdentity collects user data exclusively to deliver our services to registered users and paying customers. As the rightful owner of your personal information, you can request to see the data we have about you or ask for it to be deleted at any time.

If at any point you decide you want your personal information removed from our systems, you need only delete your account through the Login & Security page. Doing so will ensure complete destruction of all data we hold related to you. On rare occasions when required by law or valid legal requests from authorities, DefendIdentity may have to disclose certain personal information. However, we aim for full transparency in these cases.

We also want to emphasize that all user data transmission and storage utilizes encryption protocols to prevent unauthorized access. To deliver services and manage user information, DefendIdentity works with trusted third party partners like Amazon Web Services, Amplitude, Crisp, Google, HubSpot, Meta, Stripe, and others. We vet all partners closely and bind them to stringent data privacy commitments.

Notably, DefendIdentity grants every user the same robust data privacy rights and protections guaranteed under the California Consumer Privacy Act and California Privacy Rights Act, regardless of where they live. While DefendIdentity is focused on serving US users at this time, we do have an applicable GDPR policy in place to cover any EU residents as well.

Rest assured the entire DefendIdentity team takes data privacy and security extremely seriously. We aim to comply with all relevant regulations and match industry best practices. If any aspect of our privacy practices is unclear or concerning, please refer to the full policy documents or contact us right away. We appreciate feedback and welcome the chance improve.

Welcome to the world of DefendIdentity – your one-stop shop for living life simply.

DefendIdentity (“us”, “we”, “our”) runs the website along with the,, and pages (collectively called “The DefendIdentity Experience”).

This Privacy Policy explains what personal information we gather when you use The DefendIdentity Experience, how we safeguard it, and when we might need to share it.

We rely on your data to keep improving The DefendIdentity Experience. By using our websites and apps, you agree that we can collect and handle your personal information as outlined here. Any terms used in this Policy carry the standard definitions used in our Terms and Conditions.

Our Terms and Conditions (“The DefendIdentity Contract”) dictate appropriate use of The DefendIdentity Experience. Along with this Privacy Policy, The DefendIdentity Contract represents your full agreement with DefendIdentity.

Now for some key definitions:

The DefendIdentity Experience refers to all websites and mobile applications operated by DefendIdentity.

Personal Data means information that identifies a specific individual (you!).

Usage Data is data automatically collected when you use The DefendIdentity Experience, like how long you were on a page.

Cookies are little personal data files stored on your computer or device when you use our websites.

Data Controller is someone who decides why and how to process personal data (that’s us!).

Data Processors are companies we enlist to handle personal data on our behalf to better serve you.

Data Subject is the person whose personal data is being collected and used (you again!).

The User is someone using The DefendIdentity Experience. You as the user are also the Data Subject whose data is processed.

What Kinds of Information Does DefendIdentity Gather?

We collect different types of data to keep improving The DefendIdentity Experience and provide our services.

Data Categories We Receive

Personal Data

While using The DefendIdentity Experience, we may request certain information that identifies you as an individual to deliver our services. The optional bits simply help distinguish you from anyone else with a similar name. Here’s the lowdown:

(a) Email address (required)

(b) Full name (required) along with other name spellings or versions (optional)

(c) Phone number (optional)

(d) City and state (required), full address (optional)

(e) Cookies and Usage Data

(f) Birth year (required), month and day (optional)

(g) Gender (optional)

(h) Names of family, roommates, partners you’ve lived with (optional)

We may contact you via email newsletters and account updates that you can easily unsubscribe from or change settings for anytime. Required billing and transaction notices will still come through. To avoid those, you’d need to delete your account.

Usage Data

We also get various technical information anytime you use The DefendIdentity Experience website or mobile apps.

This includes your device’s IP address, browser/device type, operating system, pages visited, etc. Essentially the bare necessities for running our sites and apps.

For mobile users, we also access type of device, ID, operating system, browser, and other diagnostic specifics provided by your phone or tablet.

Location Data

If you grant permission, DefendIdentity may access your location data to provide relevant features and customization. You can switch this on or off anytime in your device settings.

Tracking Cookies Data

Cookies and similar tracking tools allow us to monitor site activity and store certain access details. We may deploy innocuous tracking scripts, beacons, tags, etc. for analytics.

You can always block cookies in your browser settings. However, that may limit use of some DefendIdentity Experience functions.

Cookies we employ include:

Session cookies for technical operations

Preference cookies to remember your settings

Security cookies for safeguarding data

Advertising cookies to showcase relevant offers

Other Collected Data

We may gather other bits like gender, birth date, government ID details, phone number, marital status, actual address, and family member names while delivering services.

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How Does DefendIdentity Use My Data?

We leverage user data to provide our services and enhance The DefendIdentity Experience:

(a) Deliver, test, and improve our websites, apps, and tools

(b) Send important Service updates

(c) Enable interactive features when you opt in

(d) Provide stellar customer support

(e) Analyze usage to better meet needs

(f) Monitor performance and user trends

(g) Quickly address bugs or issues

(h) Serve you according to preferences

(i) Handle billing, purchases, contracts

(j) Send account notices and renewal alerts

(k) Share offers for other relevant DefendIdentity services you might like, based on prior interest

(l) Comply with legal obligations

(m) Other uses per our agreements with you

(n) Any purpose you consent to

How Long Is My Data Kept?

We only retain personal data as long as necessary under this Policy. This includes keeping certain usage logs for internal analytics. If data helps us improve security or user experiences, we may store it longer when legally allowed.

Where Is My Data Transferred?

Paid DefendIdentity subscription plans provide opt-out and data removal services by submitting requests to various third-party brokers on your behalf. To fulfill our service, you must provide full name, birth year, address etc. so we can identify your records with brokers and aggregators to remove them on your request.

We cannot control or guarantee how these external parties handle personal data once submitted. By starting and keeping a paid account with removal services, you authorize us to share the required personal information with other brokers solely to execute removal requests. If you are not comfortable with us securely transferring your information, then you should not use our data removal services.

As per our global infrastructure, data like personal information may be stored on servers outside your home country or jurisdiction, where local laws can differ.

If you live outside the US but share data with DefendIdentity, please know it will be transferred and processed within the United States with fewer protections than your home country likely affords.

By agreeing to this Policy and sharing personal data with us, you approve said international transfer. Rest assured data is still safeguarded under strict controls despite differing regulations across borders. We would never transfer data without ensuring full security protections first.

When Might DefendIdentity Share My Data?

We may disclose personal details we collect from you in certain situations:

Legal Requests

If required by law or valid authorities, we may have to share personal data. We’d notify you in such cases whenever possible.

Business Transactions

If acquired or involved in a merger, DefendIdentity may share user data accordingly. But we would inform all customers via email at least 30 days prior, with a chance to delete your account before the deal closes, preventing unwanted data transfer.

Other Disclosures

We may provide information to:

Vetted contractors helping run DefendIdentity operations

Third parties you directly share data with

Any other party stated when originally collected

Anyone you consent us sharing with

How Is My Data Safeguarded?

Protecting user data matters tremendously at DefendIdentity. We employ numerous technical and organizational safeguards like outlined in our Statement on Data Security and have completed a SOC 2 Type 2 audit. However, no data transmission or storage method is completely failproof. We strive to leverage industry best practices, but cannot guarantee 100% security.

What Are My EU Privacy Rights?

Per GDPR standards, EU residents have certain rights regarding personal data use and handling by DefendIdentity:

Correct or amend your data

Delete some or all data

Limit how we employ your data

View what data we have in your account

Export your data

Revoke consent for data use

File complaints about data misuse

Simply submit requests via email when you want to access these options. Please note we may ask for ID verification before making account changes, and may be unable to provide services if certain data is removed.

You can contact your regional Data Protection Authority to dispute our personal data collection or handling practices. We’ll readily address any concerns brought to our attention as well.

What About My California Privacy Rights?

Per CalOPPA, California residents can use The DefendIdentity Experience anonymously and easily find our prominently displayed Privacy Policy. We notify all users when said policy changes. You can also update personal data in your account anytime.

Tracking Preferences

DefendIdentity does not respond to web browser “Do Not Track” settings. Certain third-party tools integrated in our sites/apps also disregard that request. But you can enable Do Not Track via your browser settings and preferences. This informs sites not to collect your online browsing data for ads.

What Privacy Rights Do I Have In The US?

As a US resident, you can access what personal data DefendIdentity has collected about you, request it be deleted or restricted from use, and oppose sharing outside required for our services – such as with brokers or advertisers. Specifically, you are entitled to:

(a) Know what we have.

We will share categories of personal data gathered from and about you over the past 12 months, the original sources, why it was gathered, who it is shared with, and what pieces of data we have.

You can request this info up to 2 times per year free of charge.

(i) The categories of personal information we have collected about you.

      (ii) The categories of sources from which we collect your personal information.

      (iii) The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information.

      (iv) The categories of third parties with whom we share personal information.

      (v) The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

      (vi) A list of categories of personal information that we have disclosed for a business purpose, along with the category of any other company we shared it with.

(b) Request deletion

To remove your personal data from DefendIdentity systems, simply delete your user account. This automatically triggers authorized service providers to destroy related records as well. Post-deletion, if you lose access to certain service features requiring said data, please contact support.

An exception is transaction records securely held by Stripe to authorize refunds and dispute reviews, per standard practices. Stripe provides a separate data deletion process at: [link].

(c) Oppose data selling

DefendIdentity never ever sells or rents users’ private information without explicit upfront consent – you retain full ownership and control. Let us know anytime if you have questions on our practices!

Exercising these CCPA and other rights will not impact your access to DefendIdentity services. We do not discriminate against data privacy conscious users!

Send any official requests to:

Your DefendIdentity account tools

[email protected] request form

Visit the California State Legislature website for more on state laws governing this.

Do You Link To Other Sites?

Occasionally DefendIdentity contains links to helpful outside websites not run by us. These are simply to share helpful resources, not endorsements. If you click through, you will leave The DefendIdentity Experience. Make sure to check the privacy policy and terms of any site you visit!

We don’t control or make guarantees about any third party site content, policies, or security.

What About Children Under 18?

The DefendIdentity Experience is meant for adult users over 18 only. We do not knowingly collect data from minors under 18 years old. Please contact us if you become aware of any personal data gathered from children so we can promptly remove them and their information from our systems.

What If This Privacy Policy Changes?

We may need to update our privacy policy periodically. We will post any changes here and notify users by email. Please review updates when notified as continued use of our services implies consent. The effective date at the top indicates when the latest version took effect.

Let us know of any questions on updates!

How Can I Contact You?

Reach out with any privacy or data use questions:

Email: [email protected]

Website form:

We have a team ready to help explain anything you would like clarified or addressed!

I tried rewriting the key remaining sections in line with the previous tone, structure and hypothetical DefendIdentity context. Please provide any other sample documents or guidance for additional sections needing a rewrite!